Pointers to success with building projects
Thursday, January 07th, 2016
Adrian Wild shares his experience on how to have success with your construction projects
Good Site Management:
As a builder and developer for over 20 years, I have learned that no matter what the building project, careful time and financial management is the key to success. Project management involves a very wide skill set to ensure the project runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Below are a few pointers on how to have success with building projects.
Manage cashflow:
An aspect of any build that is likely to give you grief is your project cashflow. You need to realistically calculate your costs and monitor your cashflow carefully and a software package like EstimatorXpress will help you produce an accurate cashflow projection.
Keep all receipts & make time for paperwork:
Retaining your receipts is an essential part of managing your cashflow, so you can see exactly where your money is going and how your expenditure compares with your forecasted budgetary spend. It will also allow you to spot any discrepancies between what you thought you ordered and what was delivered and any variance between what your supplier quoted you and what they billed you for.
Do these checks for every project. It’s no good saving your invoices for your accountant at the end of the year – by then it’s too late to fix any discrepancies or issues. Using accounting software will help you keep regular accounts and keep on top of profits and losses job by job.
Be cost effective:
One way to ensure you are being cost-effective is to produce an accurate estimate with a detailed breakdown of the entire build including labour rates, materials, profit and all other associated costs. A reliable estimate is an essential tool.
Constructing a build program:
The build program is an important control document to monitor the progress of the project, usually displayed in bar chart form. You’ll be able to see how long each aspect of the building process should take. Right from the beginning of your build you’ll have to show your customer you’ve planned the project to a realistic timescale.
Get the order right:
Key to successful project management and keeping to budget is to develop a ‘materials and labour’ schedule to ensure you have what and who you need on site, when you need them. Ensure you calculate the right quantities of materials, over ordering is expensive with merchant restocking charges at about 20% of the price.
Bear these details in mind and site management and success with building projects will become an easy process.
To find out more about software that can help you achieve success with building projects call our friendly team on 0117 916 7898 or drop us an email at sales@hbxl.co.uk