We’ve had loads of great things said about EstimatorXpress. Read some of our Estimating Software reviews below
It’s always nice to hear a positive review and at HBXL we get great estimate software reviews all the time. It’s not surprising when you hear what they have to say. Saving time, money, effort AND winning more business! What more could you ask for? Don’t just take it from us! Read on to hear our glowing estimating software reviews. If you already have EstimatorXpress or any of our other software why not leave a review yourself?
EstimatorXpress Review
“It’s integral we make the correct impression right from the beginning and because our estimates are so accurate we win more work. I know for a fact that the estimates we produce using EstimatorXpress have won us jobs. That’s why we’ve expanded so much.When I was first shown a demonstration of the EstimatorXpress software I couldn’t believe it was that simple.” Read the rest of Lee’s EstimatorXpress Review here.
Lee Goodwin, Oakleafe Property Services
Estimating Software Review
“I have used EstimatorXpress since it first hit the market and have sworn by it ever since. We save a massive amount of time using EstimatorXpress. It’s possible to complete a substantial quote in a day whereas before we used this software it could take up to two weeks.” Read the rest of Kuno’s EstimatorXpress Review here
Kuno Jackson, Kuno Jackson Builders
Estimating Package Review
“Before using EstimatorXpress and PlansXpress to visually estimate, it could take me half a day to calculate a £25k estimate using my own specs, dimensions and tacking on a provisional for anything I missed out. Now my estimates are more comprehensive and that same job takes me at most 3 hours, saving me a lot of time!” Read the rest of Peter’s EstimatorXpress and PlansXpress Review here.