Did you know Pre Construction Information is required under CDM 2015?

Did you know Pre Construction Information is a required health and safety document to be completed under CDM 2015? Do you know what IS Pre-construction Information or who is responsible on domestic projects? Follow the link to find out more about about domestic client duties.
Alternatively, HBXL Building Software have outlined below exactly what UK builders and developers need to know. What is required of them and how to sort it. If you want to know more about producing your own Pre Construction Information, give us a call on 0117 9167898. Alternatively, you can leave us an email and we’ll get back to you. We also have Free Templates and guides to help builders and developers get their heads round legislation changes like CDM 2015.
Even better than that, we offer free trials and a 1-2-1 demonstrations of our Health & Safety Xpert health and safety software. Builders can quickly and easily make sure you have all H&S documents in place. Read on to find out all you need to know about Pre Construction Information and the amazing software that helps UK builders nationwide produce all their health and safety documentation.
The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulation 1999 clarifies what employers are required to do to manage health and safety under the The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974. It applies the principal of prevention, through effective arrangements for health & safety (planning, organization, monitoring & review).
More specifically the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 sets out the requirement for a Pre-construction Information.
It is important to understand who is responsible for producing Pre Construction information. Under CDM 2015, the client will have the following responsibilities but, this can change due to the type of project. This is whether the client is commercial or domestic.
As stated, when the work is undertaken for Domestic Clients responsibility is shifted.
The information should be in a convenient form and be clear, concise and easily understandable to allow other duty holders involved in the project to carry out their duties.
The client has the main responsibility for providing pre-construction information. However, the principal designer must help and advise the client and be aware that if a domestic client does not produce Pre Construction Information then the responsibility switches to them.
Use the Pre Construction Information tab included with Health & Safety Xpert® to help you prepare a comprehensive and detailed Pre-construction Information document for each job you carry out. Much of the information contained in this document is specific to the individual job and must therefore be carefully prepared for each separate project you carry out.
HBXL give away all of our software for 14 day free trials and offer live 1-2-1 demonstrations. This is because we know once you see it or try it, you will want it! Give us a call on 0117 9167898 or drop us an email to get started. Plus, we offer free trials and demos for all our software. So why not try out a few? All HBXL software works together to save UK builders even more time and effort. Our free trials require no card or bank details so why not try today?