At no charge to you, you can have a 60-minute over-the-phone review of your business from The Better Business Group (BBG), thanks to our long-standing partnership with the company.
BBG have been mentoring building firm owners for many years and as part of the service, they speak to customers of building firms every day. In fact they’ve surveyed thousands of homeowners to find out why they chose one building firm over another, to fully understand what they really want from a building firm.
Do you ever wish you could charge more but daren’t risk it? Do you know the real reason you don’t always win the jobs you really want? BBG could help you find the answers.
How to charge more for your work
They help builders charge at least 15% more, and convert more quotes into actual live projects, guiding businesses to be more profitable on an on-going mentoring basis. They also provide a lead generation service – receiving millions of pounds worth of quality leads from homeowners to pass on to their building firm client base.
Sign up for a free initial mentoring session.
Arrange a date for your FREE over-the-phone 1-hour Business Review and Mentoring Session from The Better Business Group by giving us a call.
** Includes detailed surveys of your last six jobs – an amazing insight into your customers’ likes and dislikes. **
Combine BBG’s expertise with HBXL’s powerful, business-winning software and you’ll be a force to reckon with! So take advantage of the offers this June to either:
- Subscribe to any of our software tools and receive an extra 3 months (12 month contracts) or 6 months (24 month subscriptions)
- buy any of the software tools outright on a lifetime licence and save 25% of the RRP.
The offers end at 5.00pm on 30th June. So don’t miss these extra savings. Call the HBXL team on 0117 917 7898 today.
It’s all about making a fortune without spending one!