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Feeling anxious and worried?

Starting a building firm, taking over the reins of one, or simply growing a business organically, can be pretty overwhelming. It’s hard enough coping with all the admin, let alone winning the work, then managing the projects, and turning a profit at the end of it. It’s a wonder there are as many residential building firms as there are in the UK! Although… sadly they’re reducing by the month, often due to financial troubles or burnout. But that’s not going to happen here. Not on our watch. We’re here to help you build the firm foundations to happily stay the course, and hopefully enjoy your chosen career path!

How not to be the 'stressed' builder

Going from 'stressed' to 'under control'

The 'stressed' builderThe 'under control' builder

Why you're feeling anxious

If you think your estimates might not be accurate, you’re going to feel worried. If you’re not on top of dates and times for trades, materials and plant, you’re going to feel under pressure. If you think there’s a chance your customers could hang you out to dry, then you’re bound to feel hot under the collar. If you’re putting off dealing with your health and safety obligations, then you’re not going to sleep well. If you’re trying to do it all yourself then you’re risking burnout. And if you can’t make time for yourself then of course you’re going to struggle. But pause, take a breath. We’re here to help.

How to reduce the strain

Know your overheads. Set your financial goals. Take on jobs that match your needs. Stand firm on costs. Delegate. But you do need to use the right job management tool. You want to assign tasks and know when they’re done. Get on top of the planning. There’s nothing more important. Build Programme. Gantt chart. One that automatically cascades the changes when you move an activity. Work out your priorities. Are you doing what’s right for the future of the business? Know when to outsource. You’re not a machine. Build in time to enjoy the business you’ve built.

What does under control look like?

See how relaxed our builder is. Everyone knows what they’re doing. He’s happy to delegate. Customers know where they stand. No messing. He knows the state-of-play of all the jobs. He outsources when he needs to. He lets his tech tools do the heavy lifting. (Why wouldn’t you?) And when there are problems (and there always are) he has the mental bandwidth to deal with them. He even has time to sit back and reflect on everything he’s built literally and business-wise.

No Stress Software Free Tools

Which building software will help me?

Hand-picked selection of key products and services that will help you be busy and profitable.



Our first cloud-based software tool. It manages your jobs with task lists, calendars, build programmes. And gives you an overview of all the jobs side by side. Life has just got easier.

Learn more


This industry-leading estimating software does the leg work for you. Give it a few instructions and it will take it from there. Saves you huge amounts of time. No brainer.

Learn more

Health & Safety Xpert

Tell the software what you’re building and it will give you the documents relevant to that project. Saving you masses of time.

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Free government-funded courses that give you the inside track on running a business and what it takes to be successful – in just 60 hours! Next courses start in September.

Learn more

Free Tools and Downloads

Hand-picked selection of products and resources to help relieve some of that stress.

How not to be stressed

How not be a stressed builder
Read how

Free ROI Calculator

Use this calculator

Go Digital, Reduce Stress

Reduce Stress

Make Money through better job management

Better job management

Make more profit through estimating

How to make more profit through estimating
Make more profit

Free Cashflow Forecasting Template

Get Your Template

Need to talk to someone?

Find out more

When to outsource

Outsource Estimating

Stuck in the past?

Move to the future

Support to get off the tools is here.

Running a small business firm isn’t easy. There are many hurdles to success. And some of them, beyond your control, like the economy, can leave you out of jobs and out of pocket.

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