Builders, Go Digital to Reduce Stress and Boost Efficiency

Go digital! That’s the cry! If you’re not using digital tools to manage your building firm, HBXL is here to help! In 2024, reducing costs, fixing problems, working efficiently, being more profitable, and growing your business requires software. We’ve entered the era of digital necessity.

Why ‘What You’ve Always Done’ Isn’t Good Enough Anymore

  • Software isn’t optional: It has become essential.
  • Old methods risk obsolescence: Using memory, post-it notes, sheets of paper, and spreadsheets means risking being left behind.
  • Embrace efficiency: Forward-thinking building firms let software solutions do the heavy lifting.
  • Think long-term: Plan for the future, not just the present.
  • Leapfrog competitors: This is your chance to surpass competitors stuck in the past.
  • Transform your role: Software is revolutionising the role of building firm owners.

If you want to spend less time on admin and do it better (be more efficient and profitable), read on.

Why Builders Should Go Digital with HBXL

HBXL’s software suite connects all your estimating, plans and elevations, health and safety, contracts, and project management, allowing you to work at your very best. Your HBXL software tools are as valuable as the kit you remove from the van each night.

Call us on 0117 916 7898 or complete the form and try for free.

Go Digital with HBXL because it Really Matters

Chances are you’re wasting time and leaking money. The biggest issue is time management. How you spend your time directly affects:

  • Profitability: The more efficient you are, the more profitable your business.
  • Financial health: Better time management leads to a healthier bottom line.
  • Work type: Efficient time management allows you to target more lucrative projects.
  • Customer attraction: Efficient operations attract higher-quality clients.
  • Customer value: Offering better value to your customers enhances your reputation and competitiveness.

Overcoming Resistance to Software Adoption

Who’s resisting software? Is it you? Someone you work with? Family? HBXL is designed to remove the fear factor and make software accessible for smaller 1-5 person building firms. Digital tools are no longer just for the big players.

The HBXL Way: The Easier Way to Go Digital

  • User-friendly: IT skills are not needed. Our software is straightforward to use.
  • Affordable: Realistic costs with cashflow-friendly annual subscriptions or a value-for-money lifetime licence with a small annual Support & Updates fee.
  • Step-by-Step guidance: Visual aids and hints and tips guide you through the process.
  • Automated efficiency: Project data from estimates populates health and safety, contracts, and project management software, saving time.

Call us on 0117 916 7898 or complete the form and try for free.

Building Software Isn’t Just for millenials!

We want to include everyone, regardless of age or experience. HBXL was founded by someone with 40+ years in the building trade, and designed the software for everyone. Our sales and support teams communicate without jargon, offering clear, practical advice.

We’re Here with Help and Free Training If You Want It

  • Complimentary Coaching: Up to 2 hours of coaching.
  • First Estimate or CAD Drawing Help: Get started with confidence.
  • Free Live-Streamed Training: Up to 8 hours to sharpen your new skills, also available On Demand.

A Range of  Software Tools to Help Your Building Projects from Start to Finish


With EstimatorXpress you get the latest material prices, it handles inflation calculations, covers wear and tear, and includes business overheads. Automatically produces material schedules, giving Builders Merchants advance notice – essential in today’s market.


PlansXpress gives you 3D visualisations of projects, making it easy for builders to create architect-quality building plans without needing qualifications. Eliminates the hassle of back-and-forth with architects.

Health & Safety Xpert

Health & Safety Xpert helps builders avoid fees and fines by ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations. Identifies relevant documents for each job and simplifies paperwork.


BuildProjex is our new cloud-based job management app. Stay on top of projects wherever you are. It makes planning, tracking, sharing and managing your construction jobs so much easier.


ContractsXpert protects builders from unscrupulous customers by providing clear, enforceable contracts. Helps avoid disputes over final payments.

Ready to go digital with your construction company?

The past few years have brought disruption and setbacks but also opportunities to evolve. Reduce risks, enjoy more quality time, and achieve better returns by going digital.

Remember, using software doesn’t have to be difficult. Transform your business the easy way.

Call us at 0117 916 7898 or try your choice of software – free. There’s no obligation and no credit-card required.