Top tips for builders to save time and avoid costly mistakes
Wednesday, September 01st, 2021
Are you one of the many UK builders worried about making costly mistakes because you’re so time poor? Well it’s definitely worth treating your time with as much care as your finances. It’s just as valuable. In fact your time literally is ‘currency’ so think hard about what you spend it on. Where can you save time? Where can you make more time? Here we look at some of the issues.
Stop doing things manually – go digital
There are a number of tasks that you are currently doing in your head or by hand, with a calculator, on a note pad, a glitchy spreadsheet… that could become more automated and completed by construction software.
A few hours spent learning software programmes will save days and weeks in the long run. Our estimating, CAD design, Health & Safety and contracts software use one set of data across all the programmes so you don’t even have to repeatedly input information.
Cost your projects accurately with ‘fill in the numbers’ quote templates
Estimating can be a hugely time-consuming process. Builders pre HBXL software purchase often quote multiple hours or even a day to get a quote out.
As long as you have the dimensions of your project, then you can use one of 100s of pre-populated templates in EstimatorXpress to estimate in minutes. It will calculate you the cost of the project down to the last nail and hour of plastering.
Stop jumping in and out of the van. Plan better and visit the merchants less.
Get a list of all the materials for all your jobs onto paper and think logically about what you need where and when. And if that’s just not going to happen – then EstimatorXpress gives you material schedules and material reports. And they’re there ready to go the moment you produced the estimate that won you the job.
And that also includes the build programme, cutting list, labour schedule, cash flow analysis, stage payment schedules, profit forecast and so on… And that’s just a fraction of what it can do help you make more money and win more work.
The live dashboard in EstimatorXpress also automatically tracks your quotes and jobs and analyses what’s working and what isn’t.
And then there’s our team of building business advisors…
The Better Business Group. They help builders (exclusively) to run a better business. They can help you charge the right amount for a job, help you use your time wisely on profitable jobs, and advise on how to convert enquiries into business. They can even get you qualified/pre-vetted leads, check out your competition and speak to your customers. Call us on 0117 916 7898 and we’ll put you on to them or call Simon directly on 01707 859900 and mention HBXL.
Don’t waste another minute – don’t be one of the builders making mistakes
If like many builders you want to put a stop to the mistakes caused by rushed decisions and careless actions, then give us a call on 0117 916 7898. We can talk through our software solutions, fast-track you through the process and give you all the support you need.