You won the job. Now make sure your site and bank balance safe with the Ultimate Safeguard Kit
Now that you are using EstimatorXpress and you are winning more work, it’s time to make sure you’ve got your health & safety and contract in place with the Ultimate Safeguard Kit.
Two powerful software packages
Combining Health & Safety Xpert 2016 with expertly written ContractsXpert 2016 not only produces all the professional documentation in minutes, taken straight from EstimatorXpress but it also gives UK builders and developers peace of mind that everything is covered and in place to bring home a successful project.
All required documents in one place
The beauty of the Ultimate Safeguard Kit is that all the relevant paperwork that must be completed for the job is automatically produced from the details input into EstimatorXpress so that minimal effort is required by the builder or developer making it easy for building firms to produce all CDM and CHAS required documents, Method Statements, Risk Assessments, Construction Phase Plans and more, as well as Small Works Contracts, Subcontractor Contracts, Start Work Now forms, Doorstep Selling Regs and any other building contract documents required.
Additional licences for multi-site and multi-personal use
PLUS, with additional licences for each product, all these docs can be quickly and easily drawn up in the office, ready for the client and to get start with work immediately when on site and then altered and updated as and when on site to avoid any confusions or disputes about works and prevent any setbacks in the build.
On top of this, as part of the Ultimate Safeguard Kit package, your building firm will have access to our range of IIRSM, CPD, RoSPA, IATP & IFE accredited Online Health & Safety E-Learning Courses provided by VideoTile. Ensure all your staff are meeting the up-to-date training requirements and that your business is safe and compliant with 1-2-1 tutor led health & safety courses packed with information and available to take at your own pace with minimal loss to productivity.
Can you afford the risk?
A fine from the HSE may be one set back but further implications can be much greater and can really affect a small building firm’s ability to keep operating. See our article on the Real costs of poor health & safety.
Could your building firm survive a client that refuses to pay and the legal costs surrounding contract disputes? Financial costs, working hour’s lost and potential reputational damage? Many good building firms have been hit hard by simply misunderstandings about work undertaken. In this current climate can you afford to take the risk?
Free 30 day trial and live demonstration
Still not convinced? Think your building firm can manage without? We’d like to invite you to a live demonstration of the Ultimate Safeguard Kit and encourage you to try our 30 day free trial so that you can see how easy and time saving the software package is. Follow the links and we look forward to hearing from you.