Add our PlansXpress Take-off tool to your EstimatorXpress software
Wednesday, April 29th, 2020
This clever take-off only version of PlansXpress 2020 enables you to simply trace and take-off existing building plans, then import into your EstimatorXpress for an instant estimate. PlansXpress Take-off costs £599+VAT for an outright purchase of a lifetime licence or £249+VAT for an annual subscription.
This product gives you everything you need to take-off. If you do want the drawing/architectural features to draft new plans, then choose between the fully tooled-up PlansXpress Plus 2020 at £899+VAT (£399+VAT if you opt for an annual subscription) or PlansXpress Premium 2020 at £1199+VAT (£499+VAT annual subscription). Of course you can still take-off as well with these ‘total’ versions.
EstimatorXpress offers really speedy estimating thanks to its huge collection of quote templates, but when you’re quoting on a more unusual project, being about to trace directly off the plan for an almost instant estimate is a great plus.
You just import a PDF (or other approved CAD or image file) and then trace over your building plan using the simple tracing and measuring tools. Next you import the captured dimensions, count of objects and specification into your EstimatorXpress where the project is AUTOMATICALLY costed in detail, giving you all the documents you receive now. It’s as easy as that.
The video shows the process for someone who doesn’t have EstimatorXpress. They would therefore require the Take-off & Estimate Kit – but it will tell you all you need to know!
We think this is a really useful addition to your EstimatorXpress, and at £599+VAT (or £249+VAT annual sub) it’s great value too.
Want to discover more? Trial it for free or give one of the Customer Support team a call on 0117 916 7892.
IMPORTANT NOTE: PlansXpress 2020 Take-off Edition requires EstimatorXpress 2020 to function. It is not a stand-alone product. And it is compatible with any major CAD file format including PDF/DWG/DXF/JPEG building plans.
Don’t have EstimatorXpress? Then you want the new Take-off & Estimate Kit! Speak to a Sales Consultant on 0117 916 7898.