What is the Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan?
The Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan is a document that records how health and safety will be managed for the construction phase of a project. It is the basis for communicating to all those involved in the construction phase of the project, so it should be easy to understand and as simple as possible.
In considering what information is included, the emphasis is that it:
1) is relevant to the project
2) has sufficient detail to clearly set out the arrangements, site rules and special measures needed to manage the construction phase, but
3) is still proportionate to the scale and complexity of the project and the risks involved.
The principal contractor must develop the Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan so that it addresses the specific issues of the project during construction. These include:
1) A description of the project such as key dates and details of key members of the project team.
2) The management of the work, including:
• the health and safety aims for the project
• the site rules
• arrangements to ensure cooperation between project team members and coordination of their work e.g. regular site meetings
• arrangements for involving workers
• site induction
• welfare facilities
• fire and emergency procedures.
3) The control of any of the specific site risks relevant to the work involved.