Why your building business needs you to nail 2021 in January.

Nail 2021 in January! Not in six months time…

If you don’t shake up your business now, then 2021 will run away like every year before. The only difference this year – we’re coming out of a pandemic – so there’s more at stake. And if you wait until you’re ready – you could be waiting a long time…

So why should you be thinking about change anyway?

Busy right now? Busy over the next six months? Well that bulging order book isn’t guaranteed long term.

  • Without being all doom and gloom, many households could be put off buying big ticket items this year – either they won’t have the money or will want to ‘wait and see’
  • Their interest in having an extension or loft conversion could easily go on the back burner
  • But good news – the bigger projects typically planned by more financially secure households will no doubt still go ahead!

And the problem is…?

Basically we could see fewer jobs being chased by the same number of building firms.

  • Which means competition will be fierce
  • Building firms already on their game are probably onto 2022 orders let alone 2021
  • They’ve got what it takes to appeal to quality-conscious homeowners
  • They have the kind of approach that gets them on the shortlist for those profitable jobs
  • So have you got what it takes to compete?
  • ‘Make ends meet’ type jobs aren’t going to sustain a business that wants a long term future
  • And on top of everything else you could be at risk from ever increasing material costs…

What do you need to do?

You want to improve your chances of winning profitable projects whilst achieving maximum efficiency during trickier times.

  • The faster you quote, the more jobs you can go after, and the odds of winning get better
  • The better looking your quote – good detail and professional-looking – the more likely you are to make it on the shortlist
  • The more accurate your quote (latest prices/everything covered) the more likely you’ll win the work
  • And you’ll have a better chance of actually making the profit you earmarked at the outset
  • If you can show them a whizzy 3D model of their extension – you’ll stand out from the crowd
  • If you can design them their extension you’ll have diversified or ‘pivoted’ practically over night and become a ‘Design & Build’ company.

How do you start estimating – quickly and easily?

First off, don’t listen to the killjoys or that voice on your shoulder telling you not to tinker with the business – you haven’t got time – you can’t do software…. You should. You have. You can.

  • Our estimating software EstimatorXpress has been designed for builders not IT consultants. It’s practical. It’s template-driven.
  • Even though it’s straightforward, it’s got amazing detail. It’s not a quick-fire app. It’s for builders not single tradesmen.
  • We price check materials regularly so you don’t get caught out by prices rises.
  • And there’s an Inflation tool that’s got your back too.
  • Just ask for a demo, then a trial or get stuck in. We’re with you all the way with support and bitesize videos to help you master it.
  • In just days you’ll be banging out high-quality estimates and quotes.
  • You’ll automatically get material lists, a gantt chart…

And 3D images?

  • You can take it slowly or go all in
  • Our PlansXpress software gives you the option of tracing an existing plan and automatically creating 3D images and more
  • Or you can lay out the project yourself using the user-friendly drawing tools
  • Depending on the version you choose, there’s scope for showing kitchens, tables, landscaping…
  • You can show cut-throughs of the build…
  • Put the image on a photo of the existing house…
  • Render different finishes… the list goes on.
  • Just ask for a demo, then a trial or get stuck in. As with all the HBXL software tools we’re with you all the way with support and bitesize videos to help you master it.

What next?

Don’t wait until you’re in a fix or the work has dried up to nail 2021. Be pro-active. Get ahead. Take the bull by the horns and get your business to the next level. You’ll be ready for anything and able to compete with the best.

Give the sales team a call on 0117 916 7898 for a no-bull, straightforward chat about your business and how we can help. Or email hello@hbxl.co.uk or hop onto the chat service at the bottom of your screen.

So go on nail 2021 in January. Your building skills. Our building software. It’ll be great!